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Centrarse en las soluciones diarias de máquinas de fabricación de productos básicos

Ya que2008
Un fabricante líder de máquinas de fabricación de productos básicos diarios en China

Quienes somos

Yingke Machinery & Electric Co., Ltd es una empresa con negocios diversificados que incluyen energía limpia, maquinaria y material biodegradable. la empresa con sede en Nanjing, China, con la fábrica principal ubicada en la zona de desarrollo económico de Chahe, ciudad de lai'an, Anhui.

Para reducir el uso de plástico y proteger el medio ambiente, nuestro equipo continúa investigando y desarrollando máquinas que pueden trabajar con materiales biodegradables para producir popotes, pipas, vasos, platos y otras necesidades diarias con la marca YINKO.

Con más de 10 años de experiencia e ingenieros altamente calificados, siempre hemos buscado la entrega perfecta de cada máquina, actualmente nuestros productos incluyen,

1. Máquina de extrusión de tubos pequeños (perfiles) (para pajitas, tubos, palitos de piruletas, etc., tipo PLA y PP),

2. Máquina para fabricar pajitas de papel,

3. Máquina para fabricar pajitas flexibles,

4. Empaquetadora de paja,

5. Máquina para fabricar vasos/platos desechables, máquina empacadora,

Además de estas máquinas, también cooperamos con el fabricante de materias primas para distribuir las materias primas, como gránulos de resina PLA para extrusión, película Bopp para embalaje, etc.

Seremos sus socios confiables con un gran producto y un servicio excepcional.

straw making machine factorystraw making machine factorystraw making machine factorystraw making machine factory

Por qué elegirnos

los clientes que compran una máquina en el extranjero se preocupan más por la calidad de la máquina y el servicio posventa. entendemos completamente las preocupaciones de los clientes, es por eso que buscamos la entrega perfecta y nuestro objetivo es "hacerlo perfecto".

1. Calidad asegurada.

  • Proveedor calificado: solo los proveedores que hayan pasado la inspección de fábrica pueden cooperar;
  • Comprobación de material entrante: todas las piezas recibidas del proveedor serán inspeccionadas por el inspector de control de calidad, las piezas defectuosas serán devueltas.
  • Guía de operación estándar: todos los trabajadores deben seguir la guía de operación estándar para ensamblar la máquina;
  • Prueba final de la máquina: todas las máquinas terminadas tendrán una verificación, ajuste y prueba integrales.
  • Todas las máquinas tienen certificados CE

2. Servicio posventa

  • Garantía de la máquina: ofrecemos una garantía para todas nuestras máquinas;
  • Soporte en línea/fuera de línea: en la situación actual del mundo, podemos brindar soporte en línea a todos los clientes mientras usan nuestra máquina;
  • Línea de servicio 24/7: todos sus comentarios serán respondidos en poco tiempo.

3. Innovación tecnológica

Con la inversión en I + D, hemos aplicado muchas patentes que cubren nuestras principales máquinas, la tecnología hace que nuestra máquina funcione de manera más estable y confiable.

Cultura empresarial

VALORES:''Calidad, Eficiencia, Trabajo en Equipo, Orientación al Cliente''

FILOSOFÍA: ''Confiable, profesional y Win-win.''

MISIÓN: Ser un proveedor de soluciones integrales notable e innovador

Creemos 'La calidad es vida, la marca construye el futuro' ¡Nos gusta crecer junto con los clientes y crear un futuro más hermoso!

  • 80

    personal experimentado

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Por qué elegirnos
YINKO tiene un gran equipo que brindará un servicio al cliente excepcional y entregará productos de calidad.YINKO valora a cada cliente y espera construir una cooperación comercial a largo plazo.
Capacidades de fabricación
Capacidades de fabricación
Con un equipo de producción capacitado y una excelente gestión de la cadena de suministro, siempre podemos maximizar nuestra producción mensual a un nivel superior para satisfacer las diferentes necesidades de los clientes y el tiempo de entrega.
En YINKO, entendemos que la entrega a tiempo es muy importante para todos los clientes, por lo que tenemos un proceso estándar para manejar el pedido y acortar el tiempo de entrega al máximo.
La calidad es de vital importancia. está relacionado con el funcionamiento de los negocios de nuestros clientes, así como con la reputación de nuestra empresa. Tenemos procedimientos estrictos para asegurarnos de que todas las máquinas entregadas sean calificadas y confiables.
En YINKO, puede obtener soluciones completas para sus necesidades, brindamos un servicio integral para ahorrarle tiempo y dinero. YINKO también puede personalizar según sus requisitos, nuestro objetivo es brindar las mejores soluciones a los clientes.
En YINKO, le damos gran importancia al servicio posventa, un sistema de servicio posventa perfecto puede ayudar a nuestros clientes a resolver sus problemas en el uso de la máquina rápidamente y, al mismo tiempo, puede ayudar a mejorar nuestro equipo y mejorar el servicio al cliente. satisfacción.
En YINKO, nuestro objetivo es aplicar la última tecnología a nuestros productos, mientras tanto, estamos haciendo todo lo posible para fortalecer la gestión de la cadena de suministro para reducir el costo total y ofrecer precios más asequibles y competitivos a nuestros clientes, envíenos una consulta ahora, obtendrá la cotización en 24 horas
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Obtenga las últimas noticias sobre la empresa y la industria YINKO

Labor Day Holiday Notice - Office Closure
Labor Day Holiday Notice - Office Closure

Dear customer,   As we approach the upcoming Labor Day holiday, we would like to take this opportunity to inform you of our office closure schedule. In observance of Labor Day, our offices will be closed from May 1st to May 5th, 2024.    During this period, our team will be taking a well-deserved break to rest and rejuvenate. However, rest assured that we remain committed to ensuring uninterrupted support and service to our valued clients and partners.   While our physical office will be closed, our team will still be available remotely to address any urgent matters or inquiries that may arise. Should you require assistance during this time, please feel free to reach out to us via email at [] or by phone at [+86 18098312298].    We appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we take this time to recharge and celebrate the spirit of Labor Day. We look forward to returning to work refreshed and revitalized, ready to continue delivering exceptional service and support.   Thank you for your attention to this matter, and we wish you a happy and relaxing Labor Day holiday! Best regards, YINKO TEAM

  • 26Mar.2024
    Our Latest Paper Straw Machine Delivered to Indonesia

    We are thrilled to announce the successful delivery of our cutting-edge paper straw machine to Indonesia, marking another milestone in our commitment to sustainable solutions and customer satisfaction. Introducing our paper straw machine: Designed with precision and innovation, our paper straw machine embodies the essence of modern engineering for sustainable packaging solutions. Capable of producing high-quality paper straws with efficiency and reliability, this machine exemplifies our dedication to environmental consciousness and technological advancement. Benefits for Our Customers: With the rise of global awareness towards environmental sustainability, the demand for eco-friendly alternatives to plastic has never been greater. Our paper straw machine offers a myriad of benefits to our customers in Indonesia and beyond: Environmental Sustainability: By enabling the production of biodegradable paper straws, our machine empowers businesses to reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to a greener future. Compliance with Regulations: As governments worldwide impose stricter regulations on single-use plastics, our paper straw machine provides an ideal solution for businesses to adapt and thrive in compliance with evolving environmental standards. Cost-Effectiveness: In addition to environmental benefits, our machine offers cost-effective production of paper straws, allowing businesses to streamline their operations and enhance profitability without compromising on quality. Our Commitment: At YINKO, we take pride in our unwavering commitment to delivering high-quality straw machines that exceed the expectations of our customers. With a relentless focus on innovation, reliability, and customer satisfaction, we continue to set new benchmarks in the industry and drive positive change towards a more sustainable future. Join Us in Advancing Sustainability: As we celebrate the delivery of our paper straw machine to Indonesia, we invite businesses and partners to join us in our journey towards sustainability. Together, we can make a difference and create a world where environmental consciousness and technological innovation go hand in hand. For inquiries about our paper straw machine and other cutting-edge solutions, please visit our website or contact our dedicated team today.

    Our Latest Paper Straw Machine Delivered to Indonesia
  • 05Feb.2024
    Chinese New Year Holiday Notice

    Dear distinguished customer,   As the Chinese New Year approaches, we would like to express our deepest gratitude for your unwavering support throughout the past year. Your trust and collaboration have played a significant role in our continued success.   In celebration of the upcoming Lunar New Year, we would like to inform you that our company will be closed from February 6 to February 18. This closure will allow our team to take part in the festivities and spend quality time with their loved ones.   During this period, although our physical office will be temporarily closed, we want to assure you that we will remain accessible for any urgent matters or inquiries. You can reach us via email at or leave a voicemail at +86 18098312298. Our team will make every effort to respond promptly.   As we welcome the Year of the Dragon, we look forward to another year of prosperity, growth, and collaboration with you. May this festive season bring you joy, good health, and success in all your endeavors.   Thank you once again for your support, and we eagerly anticipate serving you with renewed energy and commitment upon our return on February 18.   Wishing you a happy and prosperous Chinese New Year!   Warm regards, YINKO TEAM

    Chinese New Year Holiday Notice
  • 11Jan.2024
    Empowers Chinese Customer's Production with U-Shaped Straw Packing Machine

    YINKO, a leading provider of innovative packaging solutions, is thrilled to announce the successful delivery of state-of-the-art U-shaped straw packing machines and U-shaped straw auto carton loading machines to our esteemed customer in China.   These cutting-edge machines are integral components of the U-shaped straw production line, a revolutionary system designed to transform bendable straws into U-shaped straws. This technology is particularly pivotal in the dairy industry, where U-shaped straws have become indispensable for consumers. The U-shaped straw production line, powered by our advanced machinery, not only meets industry standards but exceeds them. The seamless integration of the U-shaped straw packing machines and U-shaped straw auto carton loading machines significantly enhances production capacity, ensuring our customers are well-positioned to meet the escalating demands in the market.   With the successful delivery and installation of these key components, our Chinese customer is poised to experience a substantial increase in efficiency, allowing for a more streamlined production process. The improved capabilities provided by our machinery will not only elevate the overall production quality but will also enable our customers to take on more orders and expand their market share within the milk industry.   YINKO is committed to delivering cutting-edge solutions that empower our clients to stay ahead in their respective industries. We take pride in being at the forefront of innovation, and this latest shipment reaffirms our dedication to providing top-notch machinery that drives success for our customers. For further information on our U-shaped straw production line or any other products and services, please contact us

    Empowers Chinese Customer's Production with U-Shaped Straw Packing Machine
  • 01Jan.2024
    Welcoming a Year of Possibilities - Our Heartfelt New Year Wishes to You!

    Dear Valued Customers,   As we stand on the threshold of a brand new year, we extend our warmest greetings and best wishes to you and your loved ones. The past year has been filled with challenges, triumphs, and shared moments that have strengthened our bond with you, our esteemed customers.   In 2023, your unwavering support fueled our journey, and for that, we are truly grateful. Together, we navigated uncertainties, celebrated successes, and learned valuable lessons. As we embark on 2024, we are filled with hope and enthusiasm for the possibilities that lie ahead.   Our New Year Wishes to You:   1. Prosperity: May this year bring you abundant opportunities for success and prosperity. May your endeavors be met with fruitful outcomes, and may you find joy in every accomplishment.   2. Health and Wellness: I wish you and your loved ones a year filled with good health, vitality, and well-being. May each day be a step towards a healthier and happier you.   3. Joyful Moments: May your days be filled with laughter, love, and joy. Cherish the special moments with family and friends, creating memories that will last a lifetime.   4. Resilience: In the face of challenges, may you find the strength to overcome and the resilience to thrive. May adversity be transformed into opportunities for growth and learning.   5. Gratitude: We express our sincere gratitude for your continued trust and partnership. Your loyalty has been the cornerstone of our success, and we look forward to serving you with even greater dedication in the coming year.   Looking Forward Together:   As we step into 2024, we are excited about the journey ahead. Our commitment to delivering quality products, services, and exceptional customer experiences remains unwavering. Together, let's make this year one of shared successes, meaningful connections, and positive transformations.   Thank you for being an integral part of our community. Here's to a year of endless possibilities, and may it be filled with prosperity, joy, and fulfillment.   Wishing you a Happy New Year!   Warm regards, YINKO

    Welcoming a Year of Possibilities - Our Heartfelt New Year Wishes to You!

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